Sunday, December 9, 2012


Remi's younger brother, Florian, Spent a month and a half with us at the end of the summer. He and Camille got along great.

Chez le dentist.

Eating the last of the summer strawberries, at our old house. 

A rarity: Camille falls asleep somewhere other than her bed!

We went to an Indian Market in Santa Fe. There were lots of activities for kids, including, obviously, face paint. 

At the aquarium

A Sunday nap with Papa.

Camille only liked the chocolate frosting on her first doughnut.

 First Day of School!!!

At the end of August, we moved into our new house!

Camille loves the yard!

And I love my new kitchen:

 Double the oven, double the baguette production.

Camille "helping" me peel apples.

This in in our bedroom, with tights on her head:

We have this pretty Japanese maple in the front yard,

Camille's "stage" in the back yard,

a resident road runner,

 and the inside is very snuggly.

Also, the hot tub is awesome!

We borrowed a bouncy castle for our house warming party

My parents came in town to visit 
We all went to Bandalier National Monument together.

Then Camille got another haircut

and I did too.

We also went to a pumpkin patch.

Where Camille buried Remi in corn.

Then Remi, Camille and I went to our neighborhood harvest festival.

And Camille continues to LOVE ballet, and do very well in class.

Happy Fall!

As an afterthought, New Mexico skies are out of this world.


  1. Steph my goodness she is just a beauty. I can not believe how big she is getting. I do hope I get to see her soon - maybe next summer. I love her haircut, her outfits and the way her personality shines through in every picture. Please tell her I think she is a wonderful dancer and can't wait to see her dance in person. What a sweet, sweet family you have. I love the new house too! Hugs to everyone. Love, Kathy

  2. Encore mille merci Steph pour tes merveilleuse photos d'une vie de joie et de beauté.
    En particulier des tes parents heureux avec Camille, de les super photos de notre gracieuse Camille en danseuse indienne pleine de vie et de grâce à toi avec la perle de votre union (je vais la mettre en fond d'écran sur mon ordinateur pour l'adore tous les jours; c comme ça les papys une simple image et la vie est belle pour toute la journée.
    on attends avec impatience "Camille aussi" le prochain magnifique bébé......"
    On n'a qu'une vie Steph, je sens bien que Camille déborde d'énergie pour câliner un petit frère.
    Excusez moi pour cette grossière intrusion dans votre vie privée mais moi aussi j'avais peur de ne pas assurer nos enfant et pour finir je suis très fiers de nos nos tous nos enfants.
    bisous à vous trois et au futur quatrièéme pensionnaire "milou"
    mille bisous à ta famille Steph et à toute ta famille bonnes fêtes d fin d'année
    papy fifi
