Monday, January 18, 2010

France part 2, Chez Aubin, Steph's birthday and coming home

So this will be the last France trip-dedicated post, life is happening too fast and I have new things I want to blog about! So, in summary of the rest of our trip...

We spent New Year's Eve in Luxembourg, visiting one of Rémi's friends from undergrad, Lolo, his wife Myriam and their adorable son, Aubin. Rémi's other friends Seb and Baptiste also joined us, along with Baptiste's girlfriend, Catherine. All of these people came to the US for our wedding, definitely friends for life.

Aubin is a few months older than Camille, and boy does it show! He was like a freight train compared to her, so steady and fast on his feet. Camille spent the whole weekend in complete adoration of this little bonhomme, trying so hard to keep up with him! Her ardor was not completely reciprocated, but she didn't seem to mind. Man, he had some cool toys!

The adults rang in the new year as nature intended, with lots of eating and drinking and reminiscing (mostly it was the men doing the drinking and reminiscing, although I have never been known to turn down a glass of Nicolas Feuillatte, and I never intend to). We had a great time.

On the way home we spent an hour or so in "downtown" Luxembourg. What a beautiful place. You could literally drive across the whole country in less than half an hour, but you wouldn't want to, not without stopping to see that awesome city. We spent a chilly hour walking the cobblestone streets and browsing the shops. And we bought a cute hat for Camille.

Back in Lille, Rémi's dad and I share the same birthday, and we celebrated with a nice dinner and champagne. We ate a king cake for dessert, as called for by French tradition on January 6th. Camille is modeling the crown.

We headed back to Paris on the TGV with Rémi's parents, so they could have one last hour to play with Camille. She sat with her Papy and looked out the window (while talking on her cell phone, of course).

Then on the airplane back home, Camille got her own little bed to sleep in, she barely fit, but she spent a couple of hours in there asleep. It was a pretty nice way to travel. Merci beaucoup Air France!


  1. Que de merveilleux souvenirs,
    revenez vite pour de nouveaux moments de bonheur!
    bises Annie Philippe

  2. Somehow I had missed part 1, but now I am all caught up on the french adventure, or frenchventure:) That little airplane bed is so neat! Camille looks so sweet all zipped up in it! What an exciting Christmas you had! Love all the pictures!

  3. Looks like a wonderful ending to a much needed trip to France! It's so fun to read about it since I took French for 3 years.. and as I am reading about the King Cake and the TGV I am remembering stuff we learned in class.

    I can't get over Camille.. she is growing up so fast!

  4. It's so neat to see the pictures after hearing all about your trip. It's good to put faces with the names and places and all. Little Aubin is so cute! I love the pictures of them together. So funny that Camille talks on her phone all the time. Julia is sort of obsessed with mine too. Maybe we've been talking too much...
    I love my little niece. 5 more days til she is 1!!! Can't believe it!
