Friday, November 27, 2009

This is one small step for babies, a giant leap for Camille

(Written by Rémi...)
Ok it's not like Camille walked on the moon, but she did walk [and without a space suit!!!]. While we are visiting Steph's parents for Thanksgiving, Camille has been using the ample carpeted space to her advantage. On Wednesday, she ventured forth unassisted into the void. She's still mostly getting around on her "quatre pattes" but here's the proof, she's on her way!


  1. Merci de nous faire partager les premiers pas de notre petite CAMILLE que nous attendons impatiemment pour la couvrir de gros bisous.
    Bisous à toute la famille outre atlantique.
    annie et philippe

  2. I love her! I am so proud of that little walker. She is just making so many leaps and bounds in her life right now. We are pulling for her! And by the way, Julia LOVES her new baby doll. She keeps on touching her face. We might have a name for her too. Ask me later.
    Thanks for such a wonderful weekend! We needed some time with our favorite New Yorkers.

  3. oh my goodness! SO EXCITING! And over your thanksgiving/Christmas celebration too! I love that she walked and you videoed it.. and then you hear everyone cheering too!~ So sweet and so precious!

  4. I heard about this from her proud Aunt Niki! Congrats Camille!

  5. That was several small steps for Camille, but a giant leap for her Mimi and was a real blessing to be a part of that moment. PS I think my video is better..Love ya,

  6. She is AMAZING and her timing is perfect! What a thrill to see her first steps.

  7. She is AMAZING and her timing is perfect! What thrill to see her first steps!
