Thursday, November 19, 2009


With a capital "T" and that rhymes with "C" and that stands for Cell Phone!

I'm a little sad that Camille learned so quickly how to hold a phone. She's probably had way too many opportunities to pick up this skill watching me talk on the phone (something I try to keep to a minimum while she's awake, but you know how it is).


  1. Oh she is such a cutie! It's interesting how quickly they do pick up our habits. I have a friend who's children called her "kyle" since her husband always did that.. so finally it hit them to call each other mommy and daddy so the 2 year old would say mommy and not kyle.. it was quite humorous.. she also picked up on the cell phone this too.. and that was hiliarous!

    c'est papy mamie, tu nous donneras ton numéro de téléphone,
    on se voit enfin bientôt en france.
    Nous avons hâte de te faire plein de gros bisous.
    annie et philippe

  3. Does she babble on the phone, or only hold it? I see that she, like Shreya, likes to taste the phone as well as hold it!

  4. This is so cute!! So she copies her mama too, huh? I can't wait to see her live!
