Friday, March 5, 2010

Babar, a mini post

When we were in France we bought Camille some french dvds, they weren't supposed to come out of the package until she turns 2, but in a moment of weakness, Rémi played Camille a bit of Babar one day. You can see from the above picture the effect this magical show has on our little motion-addict of a daughter. She freezes with delight. And since that one moment of parental oversight, she hasn't forgotten her bliss and she requests it by name almost daily. If anything comes out of our mouths that remotely sounds like Babar, or if one of us starts humming the ridiculously catchy theme song, we're gonners. I've only caved in a couple of times, (YES I did read that NY Times article about no screen time before she's 2!) always with lots of guilt.

Last Thursday was a particularly tough day for us (bad naps, bad weather, etc. - our street looked like this!) so after staring out the window for a while, I let her get her fix. Boy was she transfixed.


  1. Ahaha, elle a le rythme dans la peau :)

    Steph, let me know if you have a bit of free time next time you come to Atlanta (soon I think), we would love to see you and Camille...

    Take care !


  2. i think that kid's watching tv is hilarious, It's like they become unaware of their entire body! That video is awesome, she is cracking me up!

  3. it is nice to see the quiet side of Camille, i did not realize it existed and even just standing there she is throughly entertaining. Pops

  4. Bien vue Randy, je vois que papy Randy a bien réalisé que Camille avait des gènes DINGREVILLE ou ne nomme personne ça commence par mu et ca fini par guette... je suis aussi très surpris de voir notre petite Camille innerte vive BABAR
    Bisous avous quatres
    papy PHILIPPE

  5. She is so special! What she is really doing is memorizing the script so that she can audition for the show! Actually, I think she and her cousin Julia could do a great E-Trade commercial!

  6. Oh my gosh, that video is so funny!!!!! You really do wonder what is going through her head, she is just so into the plot.
    I love the apron! Looks so sweet on her.
